Alex Buga

About me


About me

Hi there,
My name is Alex Buga, I’m from Bucharest, Romania and I am a design-addict - in the good way. (Voices: “Helloooo Aleeeex !”)

I was the Creative Director at MB Dragan, an interactive agency based in Bucharest and I can tell you: It was the most fun place to work at.


I have an over 7 years background in webdesign in which I had the chance to gain experience and meet cool and smart people in great agencies like Kondiment, Firedive Interactive or Baritchi Advertising and MB Dragan.

If you want to work with me or just say hello, just do it

Have a great day,
Alex Buga

About this blog

So maybe you’re wondering what’s with all this stuff thrown in this page ? Well, the concept name of this version is “Alex Buga’s Livingroom”. And in my real livingroom you can find lots of things like my guitar – Squier American Stratocaster, my Native Instruments Maschine – depicted in the Music section, my Leica – because I’m a hobby photographer and I love to shoot film, an iPad for the Portfolio – although I don’t currently own one :D

I really love to inspire my designs from real life objects so that’s why it looks like a real room.
Some people don’t like the Autoscroll (there’s a button to disable it). Some people might not like animations (there’s a button for that too), some people might not like the roulette menu… etc.
But those people must understand this is a designer site, an experimental site. It’s not meant to be usable, viewable in Shiternet Explorer, etc, etc.

This site is meant as an experiment, and I love it. If you don’t – I don’t care. If you do, and want to make a suggestion, I’ll love your feedback.


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